Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Free-Tech 2011 Cincinatti Conference

Many would assume that a two day conference sponsored solely by a single entity that was free to attend and provided lunch would engulf you in their product to the point that you would feel like a sole purchaser in a used car lot. Fortunately, Free-Tech 2011, sponsored by SMARTEd which sells SMARTBoards and similar products was able to pull together an exciting conference full of information, ideas and fun while at the same time making their product known, but not overwhelming. The sessions varied from learning the basics of how to create Google Forms to sessions on how schools are actually implementing them into the school environment. A few presenters highlighted how they were creating class websites for their students in which they provided the nuts and bolts behind their sites and how usage impacted students.  For me, conference highlights included the realization that blogs could be composed by sending e-mail to Blogger as a mechanism to post blogs and the unveiling of the true power inside Google Forms. No matter the session I attended, I was able to gather a nugget of information which I could take back to my school and share.

If you missed the conference, surf on over to Cincinnati Handouts for a sampling of the sessions. Also, check out how out how our school is utilizing Google Forms for "Monitoring School Excellence" which was a session I presented at the conference.

If you see a Free-Tech conference near your area, check it out, you'll be glad you did.

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