Tuesday, February 15, 2011

An Alternative Use for Sprite: Meat Tenderizer!

Have you ever wanted to tenderize meat but had no way to achieve the desired results? If so, then Tiffany has a solution to your dilemma. She presented her scientific investigatory entitled "The Effectiveness of Carbonated Drinks as a Meat Tenderizer" at the Fayette Co. Science Fair on Feb. 12th.

Tiffany tested chicken, pork and beef in the carbonated beverage Sprite in which she varied the time of soaking in the beverage. She concluded that Sprite can be used as an effective meat tenderizer and the longer you soak the meat the more tender the meat will become. So, if you are out of tenderizer, just grab a can of Sprite and all will be well!

Tiffany's enthusiasm and dedication to the project inspired much pride among her TLC family members. Her presentation was very well done and she showcased how TLC is striving to achieve high academic standards. It is a delight to have Tiffany at our school and we are looking forward to the many great achievements that she will have in school and in life.


  1. I am intrigued, how did you come up with this? You'll have to tell me about it sometime! And do you use it at home? You may be on to something!

  2. Fantastic, but what I want to know is how does it taste?

  3. Awesome job, Tiffany! We are SO PROUD of you!

  4. This is so neat, Tiffany! I can't wait to give it a whirl! Who ever knew! :) You will have to give me more tips!

    by Mrs. Tongate

  5. FANTASTIC!!! Keep experimenting.

  6. You represented TLC well! :)
