Thursday, March 10, 2011

KET + Virtual Art Galley = Amazing!

"Thank you KET!" is the  resounding statement that the educators at The Learning Center wish to express to our presenters who instructed us on how to create a PowerPoint Virtual Art Gallery. Not only did we learn how to develop a Virtual Art Gallery, but KET also shared with us the plethora of resources that they have available. 

Resources shared included: KET EncycloMedia, Scale CityLincoln: ‘I, too, am a Kentuckian', Electronic Field Trips, Mission US and the Kentucky Virtual Art Museum. Regarding the Art Museum, be sure to take the time to view Bottle Up

Once we had absorbed these resources, the training regarding constructing a Virtual Art Galley was initiated. Our presenters were kind enough to provide us a template from which to work.  Upon viewing this template it was obvious that a considerable amount of time was involved in its creation. Yes, we are very grateful for their hard work since it allowed us to "jump right in" and start adding artwork to our own Virtual Art Galley. It was amazing how easy it was to create (given guided instruction, of course) and modify our own imported images. From the intense looks of concentration in the room, it was obvious that everyone was focused upon creating their own Gallery.

Example of a PowerPoint Virtual Art Gallery

Once we had determined  how to add items into our Virtual Art Gallery and were comfortable with the process we had the privilege to tour the KET facilities.  It was amazing to get a "behind the scenes" view relating to a production studio! The entire experience was incredible! Thanks KET! 
Links related to our training:


  1. This was not only a fun PD, it was also very informative. I believe I will use this next year in creating a virtual Museum/ Review Notes archive. Thank you KET for hosting a great workshop and an AWESOME tour!

  2. I hate that I had to miss this PD! Thanks for giving me my own personal tutorial Ms. Humble. I can't wait to use the virtual museum in the classroom.

  3. I am absolutely excited about using the art museum to create a house for students to "walk through" and collect house vocabulary this way. Among other ideas that this has given me for hands on, self exploratory. I just wish it was summer because the weekends don't have enough time for me to do all that I want with this.

  4. It was an absolutely wonderful course for teachers. We can use this information in class to make our lessons more attractive and engaging.

  5. Thank you to all who made this PD happen! It was a wonderful learning opportunity and I can't wait to make my own as well as see what our students can do with this!!

  6. Thank you for sponsoring this PD for us. It was very informative and interesting. I am definitely going to be using the Art Gallery in my classroom.
